Unforseen Woohoos

WOOHOO #1: wooohoo. I got my honey back. In my last trip to Sudan, the government of Darfur had thanked us in its own way by offering each one of us a tank of pure honey. Unfortunately, Sudan Airways refused to ship the contents on the aeroplane. We are talking about 5 kgs of pure Darfur honey for each one of us. So, we had to leave them with our accompanying driver from the Ministry of Finance.

Luckily one of our colleagues, who went there for vacation, managed to retrieve them from the Ministry (who I thank for keeping them for a period more than 2 months) and managed to ship it with back with him to KSA. Honestly, I don't like honey, but I'll force myself to enjoy every single dip of it.

WOOHOO #2: today in the morning I met my colleague as I was parking my car. He is the closest guy to me at work since we both joined the same program at around the same time in the same department. We meet up with another colleague (let's call him Uzbei) who we haven't seen since eid il fitr. And this is how the conversation went in the elevator:

"so how was your vacation?" said my friend
"good..." said Uzbei
"just good?"..

"actually very good"..
moment of silence...
"I got engaged" ..said Uzbei
"yea..me too" said my friend
"ah nice..when?" said Uzbei
"just last week"...said my friend
"ah great. So Congratulatons to both of us...see ya later" said Uzbei.

I am standing there in shock telling myself "WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?". I overjoyed for both of them but at the same time I am bewildered by the their coldness. I mean these 2 get engaged and for them it is not a big deal..like some certificate or an achievement they've accomplished. Seriously, wow. I never felt I'll see this day coming.

WOOHOO #3: woohoo to my sister.. She started her first job this Saturday. Her job is in the interior design domain where she has to basically provide advice and sketch designs to meet the needs of her high-profile clients. And when I am talking high-profile, we are talking about the prestigiously rich & royal class. She is in her 3rd day and she already met a former prime minister of Pakistan and his daughter, and made a couple of visits to the Mansion of a prestigious princess from KSA's royal family (King's Sister to be exact).

My sister is getting depressed each time she comes home. She can no longer dine in our 4 x 3 m2 kitchen. The smallest kitchen she saw at the mansion is 400 x 300 m2. 200 security guards, and over 15 cars are all bits and pieces of the luxury she saw. Nobody is allowed unless he/she prays 2 rakaas in the mosque built inside the mansion – built for the exclusive use of her majesty.

Of course, The shop my sister works at can never cater the likes of you and me. A vase that's worth 30,000 riyals and a small painted portrait that's about the size of the palm is around 1000 riyals. A living room with 3 sofa sets is worth over 150,000 riyals..and the list goes on and on and on.

Life is ironic. It keeps on surprising me. I should learn never to underestimate others, especially my sister who I've always bullied.


eshda3wa said...

ur sisters job sounds extremly interesting

i hope ur not planning on having all that honey by urself!

7aki Fadi said...

wooohoooo :D

asoom said...

yea your friends definately had a weird way of announcing their engagements!

Isam said...

should i bring a little jar so u can gimme some of that honey ??

and man ... u know where i work and u can imagine what i have seen ... its really depressing ... i've seen things no one has seen elsewhere ... am not talking abt a good sofa or some nice curtains ... am talking abt 10 meter mosaics and domes 25 meters high that looks BETTER than the sky :P EFT

Anonymous said...

and here we are going to IKEA when the sales are on!

KJ said...

See I always told you not to bully your sister. Now she can put you in jail all your life and force you to play Megaman

Sam said...

wohoo on getting the honey...im not a honey kind of person but that honey sounds yummy...and *LOL*at your friends reaction...well i guess that is how men are..i mean they are going to hold hands and do around the rosie laughing and screaming to announce their engagments eh??
and i get depressed watching gulf shows...it is so depressing how their houses look ..you poor sister..!

eyad said...

my first visit to your blog, i like what you write about,

Ms Loala said...

I don't like honey, but won't it be spolied being kept in a tank for two months? :\

They get married for one reason only!
Actually i'm not surprised either. I have this co-worker who got married (katab ketaba) and left his bride to join his friends at the camp right afterwards!!! i mean how insensitive can this get :\

Congratulations to her. I guess this means you no longer are an ATM for her, can i do you the honor and be your client? :D

Dandoon said...

LOL seriously your colleagues are so weird. AH man Jeddah sucks the life out of everybody.
Congrats for your sister. I always though she is still in high school :S

Hamza said...

eshda3wa - yea it is and I am glad she is enjoying it

7aki Fadi - :D

asoom - yea I can imagine. I hope my other close friends don't shock me like that

isam - damn it. you are embarassing me. I can't say no. ok, I am willing to give you but let me tell you, its different than any honey you taste and you might not like it (personally I didn't like it)

elijah - with the price of a vase, you can buy a bedroom in ikea :P

KJ - I hope that you don't talk to my sister. I don't want you giving her ideas.

sam - actually the honey was disappointing. I didn't like it. It isn't like the rest.
I am glad that someone can understand why my sister would get depressed

eyad - thank you and you are always welcome. :)

ms loala -
#1 I know that honey does not get spoiled. I read an article somewhere that they managed to find well-preserved honey at the time of pharoahs.

#2 yea true but not all of them. I know that one of the reasons my friend got married is just to be independent from his nagging parents.

#3 lol. I am not the one working in a bank. So I SHOULD be your client.

dandoon - hmm...that's my brother.but have you met my sister before?

Dandoon said...

no i have not! but I somehow figured that she is in high school somewhere in Jeddah. no idea where that came from. probably Shahira
did your sister graduate under the age of 20 too?

Ms Loala said...

I don't give out money, i give loans and credit cards .. want some? :P